Techies Go Green

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100 days to recycle 2,600 pieces of eco-waste - can it be done? COP26

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At Techies Go Green, we are always looking for ways to be move forward, and continuously move us, as well as our signatories, to a greener and cleaner future. We all know that reusing and recycling is beneficial to the environment, but do you know exactly how beneficial it is in the electronics industry?

 Here are some unnerving figures:

  • Worldwide we produce over 50 million tonnes of e-waste a year - the same weight as 4,950 Eiffel Towers or 1,923 Titanics

  • Even though this e-waste is worth over $62.5 billion, less than 20% of it is formally recycled

  • On average there is 100 times more gold in a tonne of e-waste than a tonne of gold ore

  • Producing one laptop requires:

The way we deal with e-waste is environmentally, socially, and economically unsustainable. That's why Techies Go Green signatories are aiming to collectively pledge 2,600 pieces of e-waste to be formally regenerated or recycled by the start of COP26 this October.

From today, Friday July 23rd, we have 100 days to reach our goal of recycling and regenerated 2,600 pieces of e-waste.

What is COP26?

COP26 (the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties) is a summit centred around climate change and the efforts of UN member states to address it. This event will examine our global progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement - an international treaty on climate change that was adopted in 2015 - and will define what our next steps should be in order to tackle climate change as effectively as possible.

There are lots of ways for both individuals and businesses to get involved with COP26. At Techies Go Green, we are aiming to raise awareness of the summit and to do our part for the planet through our e-waste recycling/reuse campaign. We are encouraging our signatories to pledge that their e-waste will be sent to verified recycling or reuse schemes rather than becoming part of the 40 million tonnes of e-waste disposed of unsustainably each year.

How will this work?

To promote COP26 we are aiming to reach the goal of 2,600 pieces of e-waste pledged by signatories for reuse or recycling by the start of the summit on October 31st. We are asking our signatories to pledge that once their electronic items reach the end of their life, they will be sent for reuse or recycling either through one of Techies Go Green's partners such as Vyta or through another reputable local e-waste handler. One piece of e-waste consists of any single item containing electronic components; for example, a laptop, PC, monitor, keyboard, or copier. 

Introducing Vyta

Vyta is Ireland’s leading secure IT retirement company, providing sustainable and secure solutions that help organisations reduce their carbon emissions and reach their CSR goals while ensuring security and compliance. They offer a complete IT lifecycle service from redundant IT equipment collection, disposal, total data destruction, WEEE recycling and IT equipment recycling and reuse.

Promoting reuse over recycling, Vyta help clients extract the maximum value from redundant IT assets, ensuring they can be used effectively for as long as possible. If the product is at end-of-life Vyta recovers components and either reuses the materials or recycles them sustainably in accordance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE).  This means less than 1% of material from IT disposals received by ends up in landfill.

By embracing the circular economy model, you are reducing your CO2e and enhancing your social responsibility. Vyta works in partnership with social enterprises and charities to supply technology to empower vulnerable people or disadvantaged students, contributing to society and CSR goals.

Vyta will help you navigate the best, most sustainable and secure route to retiring your equipment.

Visit to discover the value of your redundant IT or to book a collection.

Don't let your electronics become part of the problem! Let us know how many pieces of e-waste your company is willing to pledge to send for reuse/recycling and where you are planning to send them, and we will add your number to our total.

Every piece of e-waste that gets reused or recycled represents hundreds of kilograms of carbon emissions avoided, thousands of litres of water saved, and one less opportunity for workers to be exploited in dangerous mines or unsafe disposal facilities.

What can you recycle?

Anything with a plug, battery, or cable can be recycled. However, certain facilities may only be able to accept certain kinds of e-waste. Let us know if you need help with finding a suitable facility for your needs.

Techies Go Green

Techies Go Green is a movement of IT and tech-oriented companies who are committed to decarbonising their businesses and making them green and verifiably sustainable. We will enable each member to purposefully improve their energy efficiency by collaborating and sharing practical know-how with the main aim of making every signatory carbon neutral by 2030. Membership is FREE and open to UK and Irish businesses in the tech sector