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Supporting Sustainability: How Agile Executives Can Drive Business Growth Through Mentoring and Access to Green Grants 

Sustainability is becoming an essential component of business strategy, offering significant benefits such as cost savings, improved brand reputation, and compliance with regulations. In 2020, 42% of all electricity generated in Ireland came from renewable sources. The country aims to further decarbonize its electricity sector, with significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), access to financial resources can be a major barrier to implementing sustainable practices. Agile Executives can help overcome this hurdle by leveraging their expertise in accessing green grants and providing targeted mentoring to businesses. 

Understanding Sustainability in Business 

Sustainability in business refers to the adoption of practices that protect the environment, ensure social equity, and maintain economic viability. Key aspects include reducing carbon footprints, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting fair labor practices. According to the Harvard Business Review, sustainable businesses not only benefit the environment but also gain competitive advantages such as improved brand reputation and customer loyalty. Furthermore, McKinsey reports that companies focusing on sustainability outperform their peers financially in the long term. Ireland's Climate Action Plan targets a 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. However, current projections indicate only a 29% reduction will be achieved without additional measures (KPMG). 

Role of Agile Executives in Sustainability 

Agile Executives is committed to integrating sustainability into business operations. Their approach includes: 

  • Sustainable Practices: Advising on efficient waste management, sustainable sourcing, and the use of renewable energy. 

  • Consultancy: Offering strategic advice tailored to each business's unique needs, helping them navigate the complex landscape of sustainable business practices. 

These efforts not only reduce environmental impact but also help businesses improve their market position by aligning with the growing consumer demand for sustainability. 

MentorsWork: Guiding Businesses Towards Sustainable Practices 

MentorsWork, a business support initiative, run by the Small Firms Association, funded by Skillnet with mentoring delivered by Agile Executives provides a structured framework for SMEs to enhance their capabilities through mentoring. This program is particularly valuable for businesses aiming to incorporate sustainability into their operations. Here’s how businesses can leverage MentorsWork: 

Customised Mentoring: MentorsWork offers tailored mentoring sessions that address the unique needs and challenges of each business. Your mentor can help identify key areas where sustainable practices can be integrated and work with mentors to develop actionable strategies. 

Access to Expertise: The program connects businesses with experienced mentors who have a deep understanding of sustainability and the challenges of different industries. 

Ongoing Support: Sustainability is an ongoing journey, not a one-time project. MentorsWork provides continuous support, enabling businesses to adapt and evolve their sustainability strategies over time.  

Access to Green Grants 

Green grants are financial incentives designed to support businesses in their sustainability efforts.

These grants can cover a wide range of initiatives, from energy-efficient upgrades-

to waste reduction programs. Agile Executives assists businesses in: 

  • Identifying Grants: Helping businesses find suitable green grants. 

  • Application Process: Providing guidance through the often complex application procedures. 

LEO Green for Business 

The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Green for Business program is designed to support small businesses in their sustainability efforts. It offers a range of grants and supports, including: 

  • GreenStart: This grant helps businesses engage an Agile consultant to conduct an environmental review and develop a sustainability strategy and plan. Agile Executives can identify quick-wins with maximum impact, utilizing GreenStart to find opportunities for reducing waste, energy consumption, and carbon footprint. 

  • GreenPlus: For businesses ready to take more significant steps, GreenPlus provides funding for the implementation of advanced high-impact environmental projects. Agile Executives can spearhead these initiatives, ensuring they align with the company’s overall sustainability goals, such as obtaining external sustainability certification for competitive advantage in tender responses. 

Enterprise Ireland Grants

  • Climate Action Voucher: Identifies climate challenges and develops action plans. 

  • GreenTech Support: Supports green technology development. 

  • Lean Business Offer: Enhances efficiency and sustainability. 

  • Green Transition Fund: Includes Climate Planning and Enterprise Emissions Reduction Investment Fund.  

SEAI Grants

  • Support Scheme for Renewable Heat (SSRH): Encourages renewable heating systems. 

  • EXEED Certified Grant: Supports high energy performance projects. 

  • Non-Domestic Microgen Grant: Assists in installing renewable energy technologies. 

  • Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS): Provides support for energy efficiency projects. 

  • Accelerated Capital Allowance: Write off energy-efficient equipment costs. 


Sustainability is essential for business success and resilience. Agile Executives, through its expertise in mentoring and accessing green grants, helps SMEs overcome financial barriers and adopt sustainable practices. Programs like LEO Green for Business, Enterprise Ireland Grants, and SEAI Grants provide crucial funding and strategic guidance. MentorsWork offers ongoing support to ensure businesses can continuously improve their sustainability efforts. By leveraging these resources, businesses can enhance their environmental performance, meet consumer demand for sustainability, and achieve long-term growth. Collaboratively, these efforts drive significant progress towards a sustainable and prosperous future for Ireland.