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Ireland Portugal Business Network

The IPBN is an active business network of more than 200 Member Companies based in Portugal and Ireland. These companies are from a wide range of industries and professions and represent in excess of 25,000 people. The Network is active in 4 different regions (Lisbon, Porto and the North, the Algarve, and Ireland), holding regular activities, making valuable connections, and providing extensive coverage for our members.


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We are recognised by the State Agencies of both Ireland (Enterprise Ireland) and Portugal (aicep Portugal Global) and are unique as we are the only independent organisation recognised by the Portuguese Government, the Irish Government and State organisations, with the exclusive support of both Ambassadors in Portugal and Ireland.


We run online and in-person network events that help our members stay informed and connected. Through chats with industry leaders, one-on-one introductions, newsletters, videos, interviews, articles, podcasts, and more, we promote member activities, products, and services and create new business opportunities, assist Irish entrances to the Portuguese market (and vice versa), and help government agencies enhance trade links between the two countries.


The IPBN is doing its part to go green. The decision to go green isn’t just a catchphrase anymore, it’s a necessity, and leaders in the field can help us learn about how we can make the big changes toward a greener future. The Ireland Portugal Business Network is providing the platform for these game-changers in the political, social, technological, corporate, and academic arenas to shine some light on what it truly means to go green.

How IPBN Can Help With Your Climate Action Roadmap Steps

Step 2. Advocacy