Actions Guide

Innovation & Collaboration

6. Innovation And Collaboration

We commit to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration by engaging with our staff and other stakeholders to seek their input on strategies and solutions.

Encouraging workplace innovation can help your company accelerate the implementation of your climate action goals by getting better staff engagement and taking advantage of their hands on knowledge of their own work environment and work practices. Additionally, pro-innovation workplaces are happier workplaces with higher levels of employee satisfaction and retention.

Suggested Innovation & Collaboration Actions

  • Support and fund research and development activities to apply circular economy principles to your organisation’s products and services.

  • Allow people think of your organisation’s products and services in a different way, research sustainable options and circularity within the business.

  • Strengthen your response to climate change by collaborating with your team members, outside experts, and your stakeholders, to expedite the sustainability journey.

  • Knowledge sharing goes two ways. Share what worked for your organisation with others and learn from their successes to help overcome your challenges. By discussing different ideas and opportunities with others, you will learn what can be done to effectively achieve certain goals. New perspectives will help to innovate new solutions that may not have come to be without collaboration.

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