

Resources & Information For A Sustainable Future

Any business, large or small, can lower its carbon footprint by creating a plan and adopting often simple techniques and changes, and there are financial supports available to realise those goals. The following guides, articles and resources may help you make informed decisions on your organisation’s approach.

Renewable Electricity

If your business is currently not using renewable electricity to power your business, it is very easy and often cheaper to switch to a verifiable renewable electricity provider, the switch can be completed in 30 minutes typically.


Download a list of UK renewable power suppliers

Download a list of ROI renewable power suppliers

Training & Grants

Green Business Supports & Grants (UK)*

Some of the many available supports and grants to invest in equipment that improves energy efficiency and encourages low carbon Innovation.

Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme

Carbon Trust Green Business Fund

SEAI GreenPlus (ROI)*

GreenPlus project is a medium-scale training project facilitated/supported by an external environmental expert. The support grant can also be used to cover part of the salary cost for up to 10 company green project team members over the project duration.

Learn More About The SEAI GreenPlus Project

Energy Efficiency

Any business, large or small, can improve its energy performance by following a few simple techniques and steps. By putting a well planned energy management regime in place, you will make a significant reduction to your business’ carbon footprint with the added benefit of reducing costs and improving profits.

Learn More*

SEAI Energy Academy (ROI)

SEAI Energy Management Guide (ROI)

Internet Carbon Footprint: Of the 3.7% global emissions coming from the internet, 3.5% is from the information communications and technology industry.

A Guide to Global Internet Energy Usage

Climate Toolkit 4 Business

Start your zero carbon journey with this toolkit provides you with practical ways to start taking action. The Climate Toolkit 4 Business was developed by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment jointly with the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.

  • Input the requested information

  • View your estimated carbon footprint

  • Receive your tailored action plan

Learn More*

Visit Climate Toolkit 4 Business Website (ROI only)

* PLEASE NOTE: Techies Go Green does not give any warranty, either express or implied, as to the qualifications or suitability of any of the organisations and persons on these links, articles, lists and names of third party providers. Techies Go Green will not be liable for any loss and/or damage caused by a company’s decision to retain the services of such a service provider.