What Is
Techies Go Green?
Founded in 2021 to enable businesses cut their carbon footprint
As global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, at a time when they need to be rapidly falling, climate action is moving front and centre for businesses.
In 2021 Techies Go Green was co-founded as a not-for-profit organisation by Michael O’Hara and his dedicated team who are all passionate sustainability advocates. They set themselves the ambitious goal to:
Build greater awareness of the issue of climate change in the wider business community.
Identify the actions we, as members of the business community, can take to play our part in slowing down climate change.
Help businesses go carbon neutral by creating a community of signatory members to support the process of reducing their carbon emissions and becoming more sustainable.
Our Mission
We all share one world and one environment
We have a responsibility to protect it and build a sustainable future for everyone. At Techies Go Green, we have set ourselves the mission to:
Build a broad community of businesses who are committed to becoming carbon neutral.
Make it as easy as possible for members to measure and understand their carbon footprint.
Enable businesses to take action to verifiably reduce their carbon emissions.
Provide awareness building, education and collaboration initiatives to help businesses to take more effective action.
Address the specific needs of the businesses community on their net zero journey.
Our Milestones
In less than three years, Techies Go Green has become an award winning organisation with over 500 member businesses of all sizes who have committed to verifiably cutting their carbon footprint.
Q1 2021
Techies Go Green is established with 10 founding signatory businesses. A steering committee is formed.
Q3 2021
Go Green Ambassadors announced to promote a culture of sustainability among our signatory community.
Q2 2022
Techies Go Green is incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation.
Q3 2022
Techies Go Green and signatories awarded at the CRN Tech Impact Awards 2022.
Q2 2024
Membership grows to over 600 businesses and continues to expand in Ireland, UK and other countries.
Our Ambassadors
Our Go Green Ambassadors seek to inspire and enable a culture of sustainability among our signatory community as we move towards a carbon neutral future.
The mission of our Go Green Ambassadors is to:
Raise awareness of sustainability as a practice by delivering environmental education through articles and virtual events.
Lead projects and provide guidance on reducing the environmental impact of business activities.
Promote initiatives that support a think green, live green culture both at work and at home.
Motivate members to adopt energy efficient practices and transition to a renewable energy future.
Membership Ambassador
Programmes Ambassador
Sustainable Technology Ambassador
Channel Ambassador
Social & Community Ambassador
Sustainability Measurement Ambassador
Sustainable Energy Ambassador
Sponsorship Ambassador
Sustainability Communications Ambassador