Actions Guide

Monitoring & Reporting

13. Monitoring And Reporting

We commit to monitor the implementation of our climate action plan and measure our achievements against science based criteria, to adjust our plans where necessary and to report on our progress on a regular basis.

Regular monitoring, evaluation and reporting is vital to understand and communicate the progress of your climate action plan and to facilitate greater transparency. This process should assess the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the plan’s implementation and measure outcomes against science based criteria. It will also enable regular informed adjustments and improvements to the plan to achieve better outcomes. Tracking performance against your baseline and targets over a number of years will produce a wealth of data and facilitate better decision making over time. 

Suggested Monitoring And Reporting Actions

  • Identify relevant qualitative and quantitative metrics that you can keep track of on a regular basis. These metrics can include energy use, water use, transportation distances, and goods purchased.

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  • Report your progress on our sustainability goals regularly in as much detail as possible. Deliver these reports to all relevant stakeholders and will be made publicly available.