Highgate achieves Carbon Neutral Plus Status

  • UK-based IT reseller reaches target after evaluating CO2 emissions in 2021

  • Highgate IT Solutions is a Techies Go Green signatory; a movement of IT and tech-oriented companies committed to decarbonising their businesses-

Highgate IT Solutions (Highgate), a UK-based IT VAR (value added reseller) specialising in areas including Cloud, Security and Telecommunications, has announced it has achieved Carbon Neutral Plus status. After deciding to evaluate its carbon footprint in 2021, Highgate has achieved the goal with the assistance of Techies Go Green, a movement of over 180 IT and tech-oriented companies committed to decarbonising their businesses.

Following the arrival of Sales Director Bob Sahota and Alliances Manager & Sustainability Lead Jenny Latimer last year, the Highgate leadership team began to develop their CSR strategy.

Myself, Bob and [Managing Director] Stuart [Marginson] all share the same passion for sustainability, the environment and well-being. We quickly identified that we wanted to work towards being carbon neutral. Following research, plus engagement with Techies Go Green, we gained a better understanding how to calculate our footprint and how to reach our goal.”

Techies Go Green recommended The Carbon Footprint to Highgate, a carbon emissions auditing organisation who would provide guidance on calculating emissions, offsetting projects and verification and certification for carbon neutrality.

Following the insights, Highgate’s leadership team decided to double down on its carbon offsetting to achieve Carbon Neutral Plus Status.  

At the beginning, this felt like a daunting process, however in reality it wasn’t. I would encourage everyone to start thinking about it, the more organisations that can make a difference, the better it will be for the environment,” Latimer states. “We believe the introduction of our sustainability goals and compliance at this point in time puts us in the perfect position to stay ahead of the curve as we grow as a business.

Michael O’Hara, founder, Techies Go Green, added: “The progress made by Highgate is exactly the reason we created Techies Go Green. There are so many organisations that have wanted to begin their sustainability journey but there wasn’t the expertise or guidance available to them - which is why we wanted to solve that problem. To chart the progress of Highgate from becoming a signatory to the Carbon Neutral Plus status they have achieved has been incredible, and we’re proud to have been part of this journey. Stuart, Jenny and Bob have been totally invested in this process and that’s what it takes to create real change.”

For more information about Highgate, visit www.highgate-it.co.uk.

About Highgate IT Solutions

Founded in 2010, Highgate IT Solutions (Highgate) is a UK-based IT VAR (value added reseller) providing IT hardware, software, services and solutions to customers across the public, private and third sectors.

Highgate is a 100 per cent remote working organisation and has been since its inception. Built with a ‘people first’ approach, they put the well-being of their employees at the centre of everything they do.

Their CSR strategy and sustainability goals see them striving to play their part in combatting climate change. They believe that regardless of size, every organisation has the opportunity to make a difference to the future of our planet.

The next step? Join Techies Go Green. 

Techies Go Green was launched in March 2021, as a movement of IT and tech-oriented companies who are committed to decarbonising their businesses and making them green and verifiably sustainable. The group already has in excess of 170 signatories.

If you want to learn more about sustainability and what your company can do to become more sustainable, consider joining Techies Go Green. Techies Go Green is a movement dedicated to decarbonising IT and tech-oriented companies through collaborating and sharing knowledge. Membership is open to both companies and individuals within the UK and Ireland. We would love to have you join and to help you in your journey towards sustainability and decarbonisation. 


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