Softcat aims for carbon net zero supply chain by 2040

Reseller heavyweight Softcat, a signatory of Techies Go Green, is aiming to implement a carbon net zero supply chain by 2040 as part of newly unveiled sustainability commitments.

Acknowledging the carbon footprint and e-waste generated by the IT industry, Softcat said it is "leading the way" in the industry's response by "embedding sustainability into its operations in line with science-based targets".

It claims to have achieved carbon-neutral status as an organisation as of 2021 - a year ahead of schedule.

"Social Responsibility isn't a particular programme, it should be what we do every day, maximising positive impact and minimising negative impact," said Alastair Wynn, operations director at Softcat.

Read more about this article here

For more information on Softcat’s sustainability plan, check it out here.

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