Actions Guide
Climate Action Champion
Step 3. Climate Action Champion
Appoint and support one or more climate action champions to lead initiatives and to implement any organisational changes necessary to implement your company’s climate action goals.
While companies make the commitment to achieve net zero, many have not taken the next steps to translate their net-zero strategies into operational practices and assigning responsibility for the execution of these strategies. To address this issue, companies need to nominate a suitable person or persons and give them the authority and the resources to lead the development and execution of your decarbonisation strategy.
Suggested Climate Action Champion Actions
Write a job description for the climate champion position, make it a real position and ensure this person is allowed the necessary time to develop and implement the sustainability strategy.
Allow this person to form a “green implementation team” made up of employees, supervisors and managers who can take responsibility for implementation in their department or operations area.
Reach out to your team members to gauge interest in green initiatives.
Host a kick-off meeting with introductory climate change and sustainability information to promote awareness. At this meeting, you can collectively brainstorm possible objectives for the green team/climate champion(s).
Set up a management steering group. Schedule regular meetings for the group to provide support for the climate champion(s) and green team.
Partner Network Directory candidates that may be helpful implementing these suggested actions.