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ENSO - The platform that empowers your business to embrace sustainability

About Enso

ENSO is the all-in-one solution for businesses to easily embrace sustainability, win new customers, inspire employees, assist in earning new certifications and make a positive impact on the planet and their community. Currently working with over 100 businesses, our approach helps you align your business practices with sustainable values, and provides you with the tools and insights needed to achieve measurable and meaningful impact and communicate your results.

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ENSO Initiatives Limited


The ENSO platform empowers your business to embrace sustainability by supplying you with the tools and resources

  • Create Your Custom Sustainability Strategy with Confidence: Create a custom sustainability strategy tailored to your business needs, backed by independent verification and tracking of your sustainability activities. Being proactive about sustainability will lead to having better relations with investors, suppliers, clients and regulatory bodies as well as long-term sustainable profits.

  • A Resource Hub for Sustainable Business Practices: As a member, you gain full access to a wealth of resources, guides, insights newsletters and templates to guide you along the way. You and your team will be able to continuously enhance your knowledge and skills through ongoing education and training on various topics, including emerging legislation, certifications, energy action planning, financial savings and other relevant areas.

  • Attract and Retain Top Talent: Today’s workforce wants more than just a salary – they want to work for a company which has a purpose and exists for more than just profit. Creating and communicating your sustainability strategy will help your business stand out and attract the best people for your business. Sustainability within businesses also fosters a great culture and encourages team building – which can’t be a bad thing!

  • Reach New Customers and Engage Stakeholders: When the time comes to highlight your sustainability achievements, let ENSO help you spread the word and raise awareness of your positive impact. Our platform offers marketing tools such as bespoke webpages and customised reports to effectively communicate and prove your commitment to sustainability to customers, employees, investors, and other key stakeholders.

By implementing and tracking sustainable actions, your business can improve stakeholder relations, boost brand loyalty, reduce operating costs, comply with regulations, mitigate risks, and win new business.

In today's dynamic landscape, a sustainability strategy is essential for your brand to stay competitive and relevant.

It's time to embrace sustainability for lasting success.

How Enso Can Help With Your Charter Commitments

Commitment 1. Vision Statement:

Commitment 3. Climate Action Champion:

Commitment 4. Promote Understanding:

Commitment 7. Transparency And Disclosure:

Commitment 9. Climate Action Plan: