Actions Guide

Target Announcement

10. Target Announcement

We commit to set and announce our emissions reduction target as set against the baseline year in our climate action plan and to set a date for achieving this goal. We commit to adding this to our corporate vision statement and/or make a public declaration on our promotional media.

Publicly announcing a credible, science-based emissions reduction target demonstrates your company’s commitment to climate action and builds credibility among your customers, suppliers and financiers. These newly defined targets can be used to update your corporate vision statement and promotional material. A public declaration will help focus minds to succeed in achieving this goal. 

Suggested Target Announcement Actions

    • Set a realistic target: It is important to set a date and reduction target which is backed up with a carefully scheduled timetable of actions and milestones based on your audit and action plan criteria.

    • Be ambitious: While being realistic in your goals, it is easier to keep your stakeholders highly focussed by setting ambitious targets that require careful attention.

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