From Pledge to Progress: Celebrating One Year of Folens Goes Green

A year ago, Folens took a bold step towards a greener future with the launch of our sustainability initiative, Folens Goes Green. After several years of fostering a culture of sustainability at the office and committing to environmentally-friendly practices across our operations, we wanted to take the next step in our sustainability journey.

We set ourselves a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025. Now, we celebrate the progress and achievements made during this inaugural year.

The journey so far

Since 2022 we’ve been working with environmental education provider Fifty Shades Greener to help us achieve our sustainability goals, and we’re immensely proud of the commitments and efforts we've made to promote greener practices within our organisation.

At Folens, our sustainability journey revolves around three key pillars: energy, waste, and water reduction. By focusing on these areas, we have set clear objectives and created a roadmap for our progress. Taking steps such as recycling, paperless processes, and encouraging the use of personal drinking bottles and mugs, we've begun to see positive and meaningful changes. Here are some of the actions and achievements we’ve accomplished since launching Folens Goes Green:

  1. Water conservation: By closely monitoring our water consumption, fixing leaks, reducing flow rates, and implementing efficient water management practices, we have successfully reduced our water use by an impressive 50% since April.

  2. Waste management: Implementing waste segregation systems and providing waste training to our team has allowed us to create waste stations on each floor of our office, encouraging better waste segregation. Additionally, we've stopped using single-use cups, stirrers, sugar sticks, and individually wrapped biscuits in our commitment to a "single use free” canteen.

  3. Energy efficiency: Through lighting and equipment audits, insulation upgrades, and staff training, we've achieved a remarkable 30% reduction in electricity consumption since early 2022. We’re phasing out our diesel car fleet and opting for electric vehicles (EVs). At present, we have seven EV cars and an EV van in use.

Looking ahead

As we celebrate our one-year sustainability journey, we are excited for the next phase of Folens Goes Green. By continually pushing the boundaries and embracing innovation, we aim to inspire other businesses to embark on their sustainable transformation journeys. Here are a few initiatives we are currently working on:

  1. Harnessing solar energy: We have partnered with Urbanvolt and this summer, we will install solar panels at Folens, a move that will significantly reduce our environmental impact. The annual solar production of approximately 55,000kw is projected to fulfil 50% of our energy needs, resulting in a reduction of 39,000kg of CO2 emissions annually.

  2. Electric fleet expansion: Our commitment to sustainable transportation continues as we progress with the transition of our Sales Rep diesel cars to electric vehicles. By embracing EVs, we are reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to cleaner air quality.

  3. Green skills training: Recognising the importance of empowering our employees, we will provide comprehensive Green Skills training to enhance their sustainability awareness and encourage eco-conscious practices in their personal and professional lives.

We’re proud of the changes we’ve seen and successes we’ve made in the past year since launching Folens Goes Green. There’s still more to do, and we believe that our journey highlights the power of collaboration and shared responsibility when it comes to sustainability. We encourage businesses in the Techies Go Green network – and beyond – to join us in embracing sustainability initiatives.

Let's celebrate our achievements, support one another, and build a brighter future together—one sustainable step at a time.

Folens is an Irish educational publishing company that specializes in providing educational resources for schools, teachers, and students. The company was founded by Albert and Juliette Folens in 1958 and is based in Dublin, Ireland. Folens produces a wide range of educational materials, including textbooks, workbooks, digital resources, and interactive learning tools, covering various subjects and grade levels. Their materials are designed to align with the curriculum requirements in Ireland, and they are widely used in schools to support teaching and learning.

Fifty Shades Greener is the leading education company for Education for Sustainable Development. Their mission is to bring Sustainability into curriculums at all levels of education, from Primary to Third Level education, so we can help build a carbon conscious society that is aware of their own impact on the planet but also other people. A society that outs People, Planet & Profit in that exact order.

Joining Techies Go Green. 

If you want to learn more about sustainability and what your company can do to become more sustainable, consider joining Techies Go Green. Techies Go Green is a movement dedicated to decarbonising IT and tech-oriented companies through collaborating and sharing knowledge. Membership is open to companies within the UK and Ireland. We would love to have you join and to help you in your journey towards sustainability and decarbonisation. 


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