Welcome to the Techies Go Green Knowledge Exchange
News and resources for business looking to go green
Build A Sustainability Culture Within Your Business
Building a culture of sustainability starts with the executive team committing to taking action and communicating their intentions.
Why Companies Should Embrace B Corp Certification
We shed light on the benefits of pursuing B Corp Certification and provide top tips for streamlining the B Corp journey.
Becoming Most Sustainable: Practical Advice for the IT Channel
TD SYNNEX explores the impact of sustainability on the IT Industry, focusing on the actions that UK Service Providers can take to improve their own emissions and those in their value chain.
The Path to Sustainability Success, One Small Step at a Time
Jenny Latimer, Techies Go Green Channel Ambassador takes a look at the small steps businesses can make to become more sustainable.
Champions of Change: The Vital Role of Sustainability Leads in Business
Does your business have a sustainability lead? We take a look at why businesses, regardless of size, can and should have a sustainability lead.
From Pledge to Progress: Celebrating One Year of Folens Goes Green
A year ago, Folens took a bold step towards a greener future with the launch of our sustainability initiative, Folens Goes Green. After several years of fostering a culture of sustainability at the office and committing to environmentally-friendly practices across our operations, we wanted to take the next step in our sustainability journey
Shrinking your Organisation's Carbon Footprint: Insights from Carbon Literacy Training
Sam Tovey, Sustainability and Social Value Specialist at North gives us an insight into the Carbon Literacy Training he took, and what it may mean for businesses.
Lower The Environmental Cost of IT Using Cloud Computing
Every organisation is striving to become more sustainable, but the areas in which improvements can be made are often very specific to each business. One of the easiest ways to lower the environmental cost of IT is to use Cloud Computing where possible.
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