Welcome to the Techies Go Green Knowledge Exchange
News and resources for business looking to go green
Techies Go Green 2023 Highlights
With the end of year coming up fast, we decided to reflect on what an amazing year 2023 has been for us here at Techies Go Green.
The Path to Sustainability Success, One Small Step at a Time
Jenny Latimer, Techies Go Green Channel Ambassador takes a look at the small steps businesses can make to become more sustainable.
Starting out in Sustainability
Jenny Latimer, Techies Go Green Channel Ambassador and Head of Alliances and Operations at Highgate IT Solutions talks to us about how businesses can start their sustainable journey.
George Cook, Computers 4 Charity, joins Techies Go Green as Social & Community Amabassador
Techies Go Green welcomes George Cook, from Computers 4 Charity, to the GO GREEN Ambassador Programme
Techies Go Green Launches Go Green Ambassador Programme
Our Go Green Ambassadors seek to inspire and enable a culture of sustainability among our signatory community as we move towards a carbon neutral future
Rethinking Sustainability in the IT Sector
Techies Go Green Circular Computing Ambassador David Dorling looks at the problems of the linear economy in the IT sector & how we can move towards a circular production.
How to Take a More Proactive Approach to Sustainability
Techies Go Green Sponsorship Brand Ambassador Doermitt Reilly takes us through how both individuals and businesses can take a proactive role in becoming more sustainabile
Signatory Stories