Welcome to the Techies Go Green Knowledge Exchange
News and resources for business looking to go green
The Path to Sustainability Success, One Small Step at a Time
Jenny Latimer, Techies Go Green Channel Ambassador takes a look at the small steps businesses can make to become more sustainable.
The True Cost of Tech and The Benefits of Refurbished Devices
Techies Go Green Signatory, Doji, poses the question: how much we really know about the damage our smartphones and tablets are causing? And what can we do to prevent it?
What’s that hiding in your hardware? The environmental costs of the endless upgrade cycle
Workspace IT talk us through the hidden costs of upgrading to Windows 11, and how their Sustainability Calculator can help.
Rethinking Sustainability in the IT Sector
Techies Go Green Circular Computing Ambassador David Dorling looks at the problems of the linear economy in the IT sector & how we can move towards a circular production.
Signatory Stories