Techies Go Green 2022 Highlights

With the end of year coming up fast, we decided to reflect on what an amazing year 2022 has been for us here at Techies Go Green. From reaching phenomenal membership milestones, to our signatories making amazing strives in their sustainability journeys.

Over 300 Techies Go Green Signatories.

This year we have doubled our membership to just over 300 signatories. This growth is a reflection on the dedication and commitment from the IT industry to become more sustainable and to make an positive impact on our environment.

Launch of Go Green Ambassadors

In the summer of 2022, Techies Go Green, launched the Go Green Ambassador Programme. These Go Green Ambassadors are responsible for inspiring and enabling a culture of sustainability among the movement’s signatory community as the world transitions to a green economy.

This group of Green Heros raise awareness of sustainability by delivering environmental education through articles, webinars and  events. They encourage businesses to be more energy efficient through the adoption of environmentally friendly work practices and lifestyles and the use of renewable energy resources.

Education Webinar Series with Industry Experts

Throughout 2022, Techies Go Green brought a number of sustainability webinars to the community that covered areas such as helping businesses become carbon neutral, how the IT industry can start shaping a sustainable future, and sustainability legislation and its ever-growing impact.

Presenters of these episodes included industry leaders and experts from Google, Citrix, IGEL, Change by Degrees and Greenpixie, just to name a few.

With over 6 hours of educational sustainability content shown to +500 registrations of our series, our webinars have proven to be a big hit in 2022.

You can watch all this year’s webinars over on our website, here.

Techies Go Green, and signatories, awarded at the CRN Tech Impact Awards

In September, Techies Go Green was awarded Sustainability Partnership of the Year at the CRN Tech Impact Awards, with one judge commenting that the work Techies Go Green is doing has had a ripple effect in channel partners taking sustainability action. Many of Techies Go Green signatories were also awarded,  or being recognised as Highly Commended in their categories. Signatories such as Softcat, DataSolutions, Circular Computing and QBS Software just to name a few. You can see the full list of winners here.

The CRN Tech Impact Awards highlights, honours and celebrates  the businesses that are leading the way when it comes to their own environmental and social impact, and that of their technology, solutions and services.

Techies Go Green Signatories activity in 2022

In 2022 we asked some of our signatories to give us an insight into what they’ve been doing to progress on their sustainability journey.


Michael O’Hara, one of the co-founders of Techies Go Green wishes every signatory a very happy and peaceful Christmas period and reiterated “Our aim at Techies Go Green is to encourage and enable as many organisations as possible to create a sustainable future, not just for their own business but the wider community and the world as a whole.

“The key to bringing about real change is collective action, driven by verifiably sustainable business practices and lifestyles. 2022 saw us reach some phenomenal milestones, with reaching over 300 signatories to the launch of our GO GREEN Ambassadors. However, there is so much more work that we all need to do and the time for us to act is now!”

“We really appreciate your continued support in 2022 and will be calling on you do even more in 2023. I’m excited to see how both Techies Go Green, and you, our signatories, grow in a sustainable way in 2023”

Joining Techies Go Green. 

If you want to learn more about sustainability and what your company can do to become more sustainable, consider joining Techies Go Green. Techies Go Green is a movement dedicated to decarbonising IT and tech-oriented companies through collaborating and sharing knowledge. Membership is open to both companies and individuals within the UK and Ireland. We would love to have you join and to help you in your journey towards sustainability and decarbonisation. 


The Importance of Sustainability in Business


George Cook, Computers 4 Charity, joins Techies Go Green as Social & Community Amabassador