Welcome to the Techies Go Green Knowledge Exchange
News and resources for business looking to go green
Techies Go Green reaches +180 Members as Survey reveals IT Sector really is Determined to GO GREEN
Majority of tech companies have plans to either reduce their carbon emissions or become carbon neutral, a large proportion have not yet measured their footprint.
How Sustainable is the Irish IT Channel? 43% have firm plans to be carbon-neutral or achieve net zero
DataSolutions’ new report performs a stock take of the sustainability of the UK channel
How Sustainable is the UK IT Channel? 60% have yet to set net zero goals
DataSolutions’ new report performs a stock take of the sustainability of the UK channel
83% of companies aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025
Techies Go Green’s recent survey revealed that over 83% of its signatories are aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 – five years ahead of the Movement’s own goal of making every signatory carbon neutral by 2030.
Signatory Stories